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For expatriate parents, the cost of international schooling for their children represents a significant life expense and investment in the family. The release this week of the International Schools Database’s
latest annual findings helps parents judge how much they are paying against global and regional averages and is a useful guide to decision making. The data was compiled from 73 cities in 50 countries around the world.
The most expensive countries for international school education are the USA, China and Switzerland with Asia being the most costly region overall. In the Middle East, Dubai, on average, has the most expensive schools, whereas Bahrain offers the best value in the GCC. International school costs in the Middle East are the most consistent in the entire world, with the lowest differences between minimum and maximum prices.
Perhaps one of the most surprising findings is that Cape Town offers the best value education of all the world’s major cities with Johannesburg not far behind. Overall Africa is the least expensive region for international education. The maximum price for an international school in Cape Town is $5,700 with prices starting at a year) with prices starting at just $2,000 a year. In Johannesburg, prices start even lower at $1,110, rising to almost $29,000 at the top end.
The table below shows the full findings of the research and you can find out information more here.
If you would like to discuss how education fee planning or any other personal finance issue, please get in touch with me. You can email me at [email protected] or if you prefer, call me direct on +971 50 618 6463.